My Marvel and Comic Figurine Customs

Please feel free to join the blog if you like what you see and leave feedback or comments on the customs featured as it helps me improve and make changes. Also if theres any characters youd like me to try and make or maybe even a commission for your self drop me a email at Take care :)

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Scream !!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys,
Another busy week this week but i managed to get a Nick Fury repaint completed and a new custom as well. So firstly heres
 Scream ~
And heres Nick Fury~
As always comments more than welcome on these two.

Also this week ive followed in the footsteps of metal ink and took my customs to face book. Ive added the link there to make it easier for people to comment on and for me to be a little faster on replying peoples comments.

Heres the link if anyone wants to come over and join.!/ArchangelsrComicBookFigurineCustoms

Thanks as always for looking and take care till next time

Sunday, 5 August 2012

50 Shades of Grey

Hey guys thank you for brilliant feedback especially my fellow customisers. This month ive been working on a DC character Gentleman Ghost. I dont normally get a chance to make many DC characters with the last one being Apache way back last year. GG was highlighted all the way up from chaos black to the current white to give a it of body to the full white paint job. I think its came out well and shows the defination without loosing the ghostly effect of the character.
I had to use a diffrent back ground as well to bring out the figure as he was lost on the normal white so this was taken on my comic shelves. Its been brought to my attention Ninty had this idea before me. Great minds think alike it seems. Next up will be Scream,Stardust and hopefully Misty Knight eventually. Comments as always welcome and thank you for looking. Take care