My Marvel and Comic Figurine Customs

Please feel free to join the blog if you like what you see and leave feedback or comments on the customs featured as it helps me improve and make changes. Also if theres any characters youd like me to try and make or maybe even a commission for your self drop me a email at Take care :)

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Avengers assemble...

So starting to pick up pace again after all the winter shenanigans of almost loosing a finger or two. This week ive got another repaint, this time of Hawkeye a better picture of Thanos (camera is not the most reliable some times i get amazing pics other times i get rubbish).

Then on to the new ness. Masque of the Morlocks makes an apperance.

Hopefully ill have 2 new figures next week to show along with 2 more repaints.

Enjoy and all c+c welcome.


  1. Awesome as usual matey :) Cant wait !!

  2. Love what you have done to Thanos buddy

  3. Thanks mate. Seems very fitting after his movie debut
