My Marvel and Comic Figurine Customs

Please feel free to join the blog if you like what you see and leave feedback or comments on the customs featured as it helps me improve and make changes. Also if theres any characters youd like me to try and make or maybe even a commission for your self drop me a email at Take care :)

Thursday, 10 February 2011

No mans a Island

Its nto often you get asked to make a Island. So to bring Krakoa to life i was asked to use Man Thing and try make him more island like.

To get the vegative look i used a mix of browns greens yellows and some greys to bring out the rock aspect. I added nice big bug like monster eyes and gave them a glazed glow to bring them out more and sculpted him a mouthand extended some vines to bring the island creature to

Next up the X factor !


  1. Like always fantastic work.
    Many perfect details and beautiful colors.

  2. I enjjoyed reading your post
