My Marvel and Comic Figurine Customs

Please feel free to join the blog if you like what you see and leave feedback or comments on the customs featured as it helps me improve and make changes. Also if theres any characters youd like me to try and make or maybe even a commission for your self drop me a email at Take care :)

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Could it be Magic ?!

So another week another custom with the Dr Stranges bit of strange Clea.

More or less just a repaint of Donna Troy from the DC range still all those over lapping circles were a pain in the butt.

Hope you like.

Also Deadpool is now on ebay so take a peak at him there

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Im back !

So i decided to pick up the brushes again after a long break. Mostly because i had to get wozas anti venom and chick rocks x 23 done but in doing that i found a joy i was missing so heres Anti Venom to start things off. I also done a Iron Patriot and a Deadpool in his x uniform so look out for these on evil bay at some point in the near future.

Comments welcome and its good to be back