My Marvel and Comic Figurine Customs

Please feel free to join the blog if you like what you see and leave feedback or comments on the customs featured as it helps me improve and make changes. Also if theres any characters youd like me to try and make or maybe even a commission for your self drop me a email at Take care :)

Sunday, 21 November 2010

The missing piece of the puzzle

So i finally found some pictures of vanisher. There not the best ones but will at least show him off.

His scales on his cowl were a nightmare to balance out and make even but im pleased with the out come and so is his new owner.

And during the week i watched punisher war zone again and decided the collection needed Jigsaw. This is by no accounts a new idea as bobbyvjay knocked this one out the day two face was released so hats off to him.

Anyway i sculpted on the other side of his mangled face and instead of trying to remove the pin stripes i sat and painted all the stripes on the other side as well (that took a steady hand during smallville ill tell ya)

Hope you all enjoy and look out for Jigsaw on ebay soon.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Unus the Untouchable

Hi guys thought id share Unus the Untouchable with you. This was a request and was a nightmare to file off those big boots but im glad the final result worked so well and his new owner is happy with him.

Id love to post up vanisher but ive mispalced the pictures so he will have to wait.

Next up is a force to be reckoned with i wonder what that could be.

And also another film character (if the idea works)

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

My Collection

Hi instead of posting up a custom this week i thought i would post up my collection.
In it youll see a lot of my own customs plus customs other talented people have made for me.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Captain of the Agency

Hi there guys.

Just finished off a Us Agent and thought id share it with you.
Im amazed that hes not made it into the collection yet with a long and chequered past.

So anyway instead of just repainting a captain america like i have in the past i decided to make him using Black Adam instead.

Anyway here he is and hope you all like.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Hes a Man Eater

So with Silver Sabel just over the horizion and my love for picking out members of the iniative or the hoods gang i give you Man Eater.

A member of sabels wild pack back in the day before, like many being drafted into the state iniative to serve for his country under the post civil war laws.

So here we have Man Eater a character that took a good digging to get some pictures for.

So with a beast that had been sitting about in the spares box for so long looking for inspiration and a bit of sculpting to the legs i give you Man Eater.

Saturday, 25 September 2010

This Custom is .....................Kick Ass !!

Credit for this one goes to Chickrock who said it would be cool to see a kick ass custom so with the wheels turning in my head i started trying to find the best body to make our would be hero out of. Some one skinny enough to still be a wimpy kid and not to tall in the process. In the end Daredevil was selected and after a few minor alterations and additions ... check out his timmby boots kick ass was born.

On the vanisher front hes done and off to his new home so as soon as i know the hes A Okay ill post him up as well.

Till then take care and comments welcome

Saturday, 11 September 2010

A little something for the weekend ....

Finally finished my new Lionheart yesterday based on the Donna Troy figure.
Hope you all enjoy

Wednesday, 8 September 2010


Another week another update. This week as the title says is Sunspot in his early costume. I prefered this look as it gave a little more visual presence to the character than his latest incarnations have.

So here he is just waiting on the remainder of cables war band being released.

SunSpot ~

Look out for Lionheart this week and the Vanisher to follow her.


Sunday, 29 August 2010

Im a Dc ......and im a Marvel

Hey there thought i would update this again first with a Batman thats already winging its way to his new home and a x 23 x force version set to join my old wolverine x force in some ones collection.

Look out for a new lionheart coming as soon as i get the pesky union jack facemask spot on and also a vanisher that ive been askd to do.

Also big thank you to all the support and inquries from my ebay sales. And check out tiger shark and scarlet spider rooftop on there now

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Could it be Magic ?!

So another week another custom with the Dr Stranges bit of strange Clea.

More or less just a repaint of Donna Troy from the DC range still all those over lapping circles were a pain in the butt.

Hope you like.

Also Deadpool is now on ebay so take a peak at him there

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Im back !

So i decided to pick up the brushes again after a long break. Mostly because i had to get wozas anti venom and chick rocks x 23 done but in doing that i found a joy i was missing so heres Anti Venom to start things off. I also done a Iron Patriot and a Deadpool in his x uniform so look out for these on evil bay at some point in the near future.

Comments welcome and its good to be back

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Happy New Year

So a festive break from this custom milarkey but its back to it now wth a few requests coming in and also some ideas of my own to get through.

Frst off are my two entrys that scooped 2 and 3rd place in the superherofigurineforum competition. Id just like to say thank you to everyone who voted for them and also a thank you to every one who entered and made it such a tough competition. So here they are

3rd place Tgershark
Tiger Shark

And 2nd place my Rooftop Spawn